You are probably wondering how do I get WeChat Mini Programs? WeChat have gradually created access points throughout the app for users to discover, share and interact with Mini Programs. They make them easier and easier to find, to work in any scenario.
Here is the list of entry points to drive traffic to a WeChat Mini Program. There are many ways to access it.
1. Overview of the Mini Program entry points
The entry points can fall into 3 main buckets:
- offline QR codes
- access via within WeChat
- access via an external platform

2. Sharing to chat messages is the #1 entry point to WeChat Mini Programs
Here are the main traffic sources as well as the evolution over time.
In 2018 – Sharing and quick entry (shortcut bar on top of homepage screen) represent together 60% of the traffic to Mini Programs

In 2019 – the shortcut bar on top of the homepage screen that can be accessed when swinging down on WeChat has become the most popular entry point.

3. Main entry points to WeChat Mini Programs by category [from within WeChat]
WeChat team is ever increasing the number of entry points to Mini Programs within the WeChat ecosystem. Th
Mini Programs can be accessed via the following:
分享 Share
单人聊天会话中的小程序消息卡片 | Mini Program message card in a single chat session |
带 shareTicket 的小程序消息卡片(详情) | Mini Program message card with shareTicket (details) |
群聊会话中的小程序消息卡片 | Mini Program message card in a group chat session |
App 分享消息卡片 | App Share Message Card |
[from June 2020] Mini Program message card in WeChat Moments Note: so far only available to Android Mini Programs |
快捷入口 Quick entry
发现栏小程序主入口 | Discovery bar mini program main entrance |
微信聊天主界面下拉 | WeChat chat main interface drop-down / drop-down menu on the homepage with a list of saved or recently used Mini Programs |
小程序 profile 页 | Mini Program profile page |
安卓系统桌面图标 | Android home screen icon |
顶部搜索框小程序快捷入口 | Top search box Mini Program shortcut entry |
长按小程序右上角菜单唤出最近使用历史 | Long click the upper right corner of the Mini Program to call up the most recent history |
聊天顶部置顶小程序入口 | Chat at the top of the Mini Program entry |
公众号 Official Account
公众号自定义菜单 | Official account custom menu |
公众号文章 | Official account article |
公众号模板消息 | Official account templated message |
公众号 profile 页相关小程序列表 | Official account profile page > related Mini Program list |
公众号会话下发的小程序消息卡片 | Mini Program message card issued by the official account |
公众号文章商品卡片 | Official account article product card |
公众号文章广告 | Official Account article advertisement |
Further readings
模版消息 Templated messages
小程序模版消息 | Mini Program templated messages |
卡券 Coupon cards
我的卡包 | My card package |
卡券详情页 | Coupon card details page |
卡券的适用门店列表 | List of applicable stores for coupons |
搜索 Search bar
发现栏小程序主入口搜索框的搜索结果页 | Find the search results page of the main menu search box of the Mini Program |
顶部搜索框的搜索结果页 | Search results page for the top search box |
添加好友搜索框的搜索结果页 | Search results page with friend search box added |
顶部搜索框搜索结果页“使用过的小程序”列表 | Top search box search results page “used Mini Program” list |
搜一搜的结果页 | Search results page |
跳转 Redirects
从另一个小程序返回 | Return from another Mini Program |
小程序打开小程序 | Mini Program open another Mini Program |
[from March 2019] from the Mini Program “Great products circle” 好物圈 |
支付 WeChat Pay
微信钱包 | WeChat wallet |
微信支付完成页 | WeChat payment completion page |
二维码收款页面 | QR code collection page |
钱包中的银行卡详情页 | Bank card details page in the wallet |
Location Based Services (LBS)
附近小程序列表 | List of nearby Mini Programs |
附近小程序列表广告 | Nearby Mini Program advertisement list |
摇周边 | Shake around |
城市服务入口 | City service entrance |
其他 Other entry points
音乐播放器菜单 | Music player menu |
摇电视 | Shake TV |
微信连Wi-Fi状态栏 | WeChat Wi-Fi status bar |
连Wi-Fi成功页 | Wi-Fi connection success page |
客服消息列表下发的小程序消息卡片 | Mini Program message card issued by the customer service message list |
自动化测试下打开小程序 | Open the Mini Program under automated test |
前往体验版的入口页 | Go to the entry page of the experience version |
移动应用 | Native Mobile Applications |
体验版小程序绑定邀请页 | Experience applet binding invitation page |
[from Summer 2020] from WeChat H5 |
WeChat Moments advertisement | |
附近小程序列表广告 | Nearby Mini Program advertisement list |
公众号文章广告 | Official Account article advertisement |
Mini Program channel is increasingly integrated within the WeChat ecosystem.
4. Main entry points to WeChat Mini Programs [from an external platform]
Drive traffic to WeChat Mini Program from another APP.