In the WeChat Search Section, you can search for popular term trends and keywords on WeChat. WeChat Index tool enables brands to get a trend of mentions in the WeChat ecosystem.
WeChat Index could be helpful for both marketers and researchers in China. It can be useful to conduct a basic keyword research in China digital ecosystem.
This data is accessible through 2 ways: a WeChat Mini Program and via the WeChat search function.
This tool is quite similar to Google Trends in the Western ecosystem.
1. Introduction to the WeChat Index
What is WeChat Index tool?
WeChat Index is a tool that measure the overall popularity of designated keywords.
It is based on an algorithm which assess the search trends of a given keyword within the WeChat ecosystem.
It gives access to a 90-day history of data.
How does it work?
It’s not a search volume reflecting an objective data of search as Google Trends works.The algorithm factors aggregate the following data to give an overall measure of how much a keyword has been mentioned in WeChat:
- a big data analysis
- the mobile indexing of WeChat articles
- the exposure of shared articles
This metrics give a quite exhaustive picture of the WeChat ecosystem trends because it’s not only capturing the article mentions.
2. How to access it
There is no search box or menu option for the index as of now. This mention trend feature is accessible 2 ways.
Mini Program
Users can access this tool via a Mini Program.
Mini Program Name: 微信指数

Landing in the Mini Program, users can enter in the top search bar the brand term to see the mention trend.
Within the Mini Program, you can easily do side-by-side comparisons of several keywords at the same time, over the last 90 days.
Access the WeChat index data via the search function function
Alternatively, it can be access by typing “微信指数 + Keyword” in the search result bar in order to get the results directly.
3. How to use the WeChat index tool
For brands
They can leverage this index to:
- find out what the most popular searches are on WeChat
- integrate this data to their marketing strategies
- get a much better understanding of their target audience
It provides brands with a systematic tool to assess the impact of their WeChat marketing efforts.
If you think of some improvements or missing information…
Let’s build up the knowledge around WeChat index collectively !