101: What is the WeChat API? What is the WeChat JSSDK? What are the features available for integration?
The WeChat API and SDKs (Native App SDK – JS SDK for web) allow developers to access and integrate the native functionalities of WeChat within different types of applications:
- Native mobile applications / APP
- Web-based applications powered within WeChat in-app browser (H5)
- WeChat Mini Program
Depending on the type of applications, the available functionalities to integrate vary.
The user experience is drastically enhanced by using Wechat functionalities the users are familiar including:
- single sign-on login
- managing users
- managing accounts
- retrieving lists of chats and calls
- scan a QR code and retrieve the result of the scan
- record a video
- uniquely identify your visitor
- upload images
- share content to a chat or a group chat
- share content to WeChat moments
- etc…
WeChat Mini Program technology has also access to the functionalities existing on JS SDK like:
- QRcode / Barcode Scanner
- Wechat pay
- Wechat login
- Get Location
- Accelerometer
- Templated messages
- Service centre messages
- Interact with Wechat Card system
- Interact with ibeacons
- Services Messages
- Finger Print authentication(Tencent Soter)
- Fapiao info. (title, tax number…)
- WeRun
- etc…
Learn more to the available functionalities existing on JS SDK to develop an e-commerce Mini Program
Further readings about WeChat API and SDKs
Prerequisites / Requirements
WeChat development API / JS SDK documentation
- In English: https://open.wechat.com/
- In Chinese: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/wiki?t=resource/res_main&id=mp1421141115
How to develop a Web-based application with the WeChat API
- How to set up Wechat JS SDK? | December 2018 [Medium – David Yu]
- Introduction to the WeChat JS SDK & how to build a scanner app | June 2016 [31Ten]
How to kick-start WeChat development with WeChat API:
(China-friendly link) Workshop video here
Source code 👇👇👇
Updates and timeline
Date | Updates | Source / more details |
2017 | Get online – voucher for offline store consumption. – Wechat OA backend has a built-in e-Voucher feature – can setup and insert into an article | screenshot |